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資料庫名稱 * ProQuest ABI/INFORM COMPLETE 國際商學全文期刊資料庫
適用學科 商管

全球頂尖商學院均採用ABI/INFORM,全球訂閱率NO.1,ABI/INFORM Complete 共包含約9,860種刊物索摘,其中6,320多種刊物為全文精選期刊: (IF= 2011 SSCI Impact Factor)

• Journal of International Business Studies (IF=3.557)
• American Economic Journal. Applied Economics (IF=2.757)
• Journal of Retailing (IF=2.75)
• Journal of Supply Chain Management (IF:2.65)
• Journal of Economic Growth (IF=2.458)
• Journal of Information Technology (IF=2.321)
• IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (IF=1.98)
• Management Science (IF=1.733)
• The China Quarterly (IF=1.026)
• MIT Sloan Management Review(IF=0.971) 獨家
• European Journal of Marketing (IF=0.956)
• ABI/INFORM Archive 獨家提供98種期刊回溯至創刊號之內容

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